GVVUGAPA – Shoes of Happiness increase experience points by 100, instead of 1. POZEOZ – Enemy can’t attack (but can use magic).ĮISETLEY – Never get attacked while walking on the field or in dungeons. TPOZENNY – Start with 6 swords of illusion.ĪZOZENNN – Start with 6 armor of radiance. GPOZENNY – Start with 6 multi-edge swords.

LTNUZZYA – Soldier starts with increased vitality and/or maximum hit points. ZTNLIZZA – Soldier starts with increased agility and/or defense. VYNLAXPE – Soldier starts with greatly increased strength and/or attack power. LTNLAXPA – Soldier starts with increased strength and/or attack power. VNELZZLE – Pilgrim starts with greatly increased luck. ZVELZZLA – Pilgrim starts with increased luck. VYNUIXAE – Pilgrim starts with greatly increased magic and/or intelligence. LTNUIXAA – Pilgrim starts with increased magic and/or intelligence. VYNUAZLE – Pilgrim starts with greatly increased vitality and/or maximum hit points. LTNUAZLA – Pilgrim starts with increased vitality and/or maximum hit points. ZTNLLZGA – Pilgrim starts with increased agility and/or defense. VYVUTZLE – Pilgrim starts with greatly increased strength and/or attack power. ZTVUTZLA – Pilgrim starts with increased strength and/or attack power. VNELPZZE – Wizard starts with greatly increased luck. LVELPZZA – Wizard starts with increased luck. LTNUGXPA – Wizard starts with increased magic, intelligence and/or maximum magic. OPNLYZZE – Wizard starts with greatly increased vitality and/or maximum hit points. ZTNLYZZA – Wizard starts with increased vitality and/or maximum hit points. NYNLZZGE – Wizard starts with greatly increased agility and/or defense. ZTNLZZGA – Wizard starts with increased agility and/or defense. VYVUIZPE – Wizard starts with greatly increased strength and/or attack power. LTVUIZPA – Wizard starts with increased strength and/or attack power. VNELAZGE – Hero starts with greatly increased luck. ZVELAZGA – Hero starts with increased luck. NYNULZTE – Hero starts with greatly increased magic, maximum magic points and/or intelligence. LTNULZTA – Hero starts with increased magic, maximum magic points and/or intelligence. NYNLTZYE – Hero starts with greatly increased vitality and/or hit points. LTNLTZYA – Hero starts with increased vitality and/or hit points. NYNLPZIE – Hero starts with greatly increased agility and/or defense. LTNLPZIA – Hero starts with increased agility and/or defense. VYVUGZYE – Hero starts with greatly increased strength and/or attack power. YTVUGZYE – Hero starts with increased strength and/or attack power. (Some codes only work when starting a new game)